
(Vietnam)Oriental Motor Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. - Manufacturer of Motion Control Products > Q&A > Stepping Motors Qn 2: When an alarm occurs, how do I know what is the problem and why there is an alarm?
Stepping Motor: When an alarm occurs, how do I know what is the problem and why there is an alarm?
Question 2: When an alarm occurs, how do I know what is the problem and why there is an alarm?

Answer : Some of our products have alarm function but some do not. E.g. our Close Loop Stepping motor AR Series, it has alarm system such as: Overheat, Overload, Overspeed, and etc…

By counting the number of alarm blink, you can find out which alarm it belongs to by refering to the operating manual. Likewise, you can contact our customer support center at 1800-806161.

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