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*Discontinued products and alternative products can also be searched and compared.

Product Information

Select a Product/Series

View More About Selecting Using a Motor Sizing Tool
Select Using a Motor Sizing Tool

Select Using a Motor Sizing Tool

Products that meet the requirements can be selected from the mechanism and operating conditions.

View More About Selecting Using a Fan Selection Tool
Select Using a Fan-Selection Tool

Select Using a Fan Selection Tool

Calculate the airflow required to ventilate and cool the inside of a control panel to narrow down your search of fans that meet the requirements.

View More About Asking a Specialist Staff Member
Ask a Specialist Staff Member

Ask a Specialist Staff Member

Our specialist staff member will select the appropriate products for your mechanism and operating conditions.

Problem Solving Case Studies

Examples of In-House Equipment

Here are some examples of equipment that Oriental Motor has manufactured in-house. All of these are used in actual manufacturing sites.

View More About Examples of In-House Production of SCARA Robots
Automating Pick-and-Place and Inter-Process Transfer of Loads

Automating Pick-and-Place and Inter-Process Transfer of Loads

Examples of in-house products

Solution Proposals

Using illustrations and videos, we will introduce specific examples of solutions to equipment issues and how to select and use our products in an easy-to-understand manner.

View More About Getting Started With Carbon Neutrality
>Getting Started With Carbon Neutrality

Getting Started With Carbon Neutrality

View More About Utilization Proposals of Motors in Accordance With Conservation Methods
Utilization Proposals of Motors in Accordance With Conservation Methods

Utilization Proposals of Motors in Accordance With Conservation Methods

Featured Articles

Oriental Motor's Latest Trends in Supporting Automation
Modular Automation

Oriental Motor's Latest Trends in Supporting Automation

Oriental Motor provides a wide range of small industrial motors that are indispensable for automation. We showcase articles such as interviews on the latest trends, highlighting how we are addressing challenges faced by our customers.

Thông tin mới nhất

Thông tin mới nhất

αSTEP AZ Series mini Driver Ethernet Type

An Ethernet Type has been added to the compact and lightweight mini Driver. You can connect it directly to a single-board computer and use languages like Python with the host controller for speedy equipment start-up.

Rotary Encoder

A compact, thin, lightweight high resolution (1,000 P/R, 2,000 P/R) incremental encoder has been newly released.

Hollow Rotary Actuator DGII Series AZX Series Equipped

A new model equipped with an AZX Series servo motor has been added to the DGII Series. The servo motor’s drive provides high speed and high torque, making it suitable for positioning applications with a large amount of movement and for continuous operation. Since the basic operation method is the same as models equipped with the AZ Series, they can both be easily used together within the same equipment.

Support and Contact

View More About Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
View More About Request for Inspection and Repair
Request for Repair and Inspection

Seminars and Technical Information

View More About Please explain! Teruyo-san
Please explain, Teruyo-san!

Please explain, Teruyo-san!

This is a fun, conversational introduction to the basics of motors.

View More About Technical Report RENGA
Technical Report RENGA

Technical Report RENGA

We provide our customers with useful technical information and information on our research and development efforts. (Report format)

View More About Seminars


Oriental Motor Technical Seminars can be taken according to purpose and level, from basic knowledge about motors to how to choose the right one.