Seminars and Technical Information
Technical Seminars

Online Seminars
Seminar are delivered in real time using the online conference system "Zoom."
This lets you take courses from device at your workplace, your home, or anywhere else.

On-Site Seminars
These are seminars in which participants visit a venue to participate. Throughout the country, instructors will provide detailed explanations at locations close to you.
Technical Information (Basic knowledge)

Teach Me Please! Ms. Ori
This is a fun, conversational introduction to the basics of motors.

Technical Reference
Description of the operating principles, structure, and characteristics of motors.

Materials Related to Selection Calculations
This section describes the procedures and formulas for selection calculations for Oriental Motor’s products.
Technical Reports

Technical Report RENGA
Since the first issue was published in March 1966, this Technical Report has provided customers with useful technical information, as well as information on Oriental Motor's research and development activities. (Report format)