Inspection and Repair/Product Warranty

Inspection and Repair

If a product you have purchased experiences failure or other issues, please use our inspection and repair service. Inspections are performed free of charge. If you wish to have the product repaired, we will respond to let you know whether repair is possible or not.

Before Your Request

Please use our support information.

Inspection and Repair Request Process

  • ① Contact Oriental Motor

    Contact Oriental Motor for Online Troubleshooting.

    Tel: +65-6745-7344
    Email: [email protected]

  • ② Customer

    The inspection is free of charge. Please send the "actual product" to the Oriental Motor office.

    Shipping costs will be borne by the customer.

  • ③ Oriental Motor

    Once the item arrives, we will notify you (Estimated within 3 days).

    If the repair is free of charge, we will contact you for the free replacement information.

    If the repair requires payment, we will contact you with an estimated repair cost and payment instructions.

    ※Subjected to case by case basis. If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us.

  • ④ Customer

    Please contact us with your response to the initial report.

    If you agree to the repair charges, we will proceed once we receive your confirmation.

  • ⑤ Oriental Motor

    We will return the repaired or inspected product to you.

    Shipping costs will be borne by Oriental Motor

Delivery Address For Actual Item

Oriental Motor Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.

2, Kaki Bukit Ave 1, #05-06, Singapore 417938
Tel: +65-6745-7344 Fax: +65-6745-9405
Toll Free: 1800-842-0280

Estimated Inspection and Repair Period

It will take about one week after we receive your item. It may take longer depending on the condition of the item.

If You Request Repairs Overseas

If there is an Oriental Motor sales base in the country or region where the product is being used or delivered, that base can also handle your inquiry.

In the USA and Southeast Asia, we have set up a "Japanese Customer Consultation Center," so please feel free to use it.

Overseas bases

Product Warranty

Refer to Important Information Prior to Selecting a Product for information on product warranty.