Terms of Use

This page, "Terms of Use," specifies your use of the websites of ORIENTAL MOTOR ASIA PACIFIC PTE. LTD. , ORIENTAL MOTOR (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. ,ORIENTAL MOTOR (THAILAND) CO., LTD. and ORIENTAL MOTOR (INDIA) PVT.LTD. (hereinafter referred to collectively as "Oriental Motor"), at http://www.orientalmotor.com.sg/sg, http://www.orientalmotor.com.my/my, http://www.orientalmotor.co.th/thand http://www.orientalmotor.co.in/inrespectively.

Article 1 (Definition)

The following phrases have the meanings specified below for the purpose of this "Terms of Use" page: "Website User" refers to a user accessing any of Oriental Motor’s websites, and includes a Registered Website User.
"Registered Website User" refers to a user accessing any of Oriental Motor’s websites, and who has completed the user registration procedure in accordance with the provision of Article 4.
"Service" refers to any service provided by Oriental Motor for a Website User. The contents and types of services are subject to change, existing services may be terminated or new services may be added at the sole discretion of Oriental Motor.

Article 2 (Scope and Change of the Terms of Use)

  1. The Terms of Use provided herein shall bind the Website User, and the Website User shall abide by said terms in good faith when using any of Oriental Motor's websites.
  2. Separate provisions that may be posted on the any of Oriental Motor's websites or published through any other means by Oriental Motor from time to time, shall constitute a part of the Terms of Use provided herein. In the event of a discrepancy between a term specified herein and a separate provision, the separate provision shall have precedence.
  3. Oriental Motor reserves the right to change the Terms of Use at its sole discretion without obtaining the prior approval of the Website User. In this case the revised Terms of Use shall apply to all Services provided via any of Oriental Motor's websites. The revised Terms of Use shall take effect upon their publication, whether on any of Oriental Motor's websites or through any other means.
  4. Oriental Motor shall bear no responsibility for any loss or damage, whether direct or indirect, suffered by the Website user as a result of any change made to the Terms of Use.

Article 3 (Restrictions on website users)

The Website User may not engage in the following acts:

  1. Use any of Oriental Motor’s websites in any way other than as specified on the websites;
  2. Use the Service by assuming the identity of another person;
  3. Use or alter, without permission, any information provided on any of Oriental Motor’s websites;
  4. Illegally accessing data stored in a computer used to access any of Oriental Motor’s websites for the purpose of damaging or threatening to damage such data, or for any other purpose;
  5. Obstruct the operation of the Service;
  6. Use the Service, without permission, for any commercial or profit-making activity;
  7. Collect the personal information of other Website Users;
  8. Violate the Terms of Use, engage in an act that offends public order and morale, or violates any law or regulation in Singapore or any other country.

Article 4 (User Registration)

Some Services require that the customer register prior to using such Services. The customer who wants to register for a given Service (hereinafter referred to as an "applicant") must apply for registration according to the procedure specified by Oriental Motor. The registration procedure shall be deemed complete upon approval by Oriental Motor of the application for registration. Oriental Motor may refuse the registration of the applicant at its sole discretion, including but not limited to, occasions when the applicant fails to satisfy any of the conditions specified below:

  1. The applicant provides Oriental Motor with false information in his application for registration;
  2. The applicant has had his or her Registered Website User status suspended or revoked or meets any condition for the suspension or revocation of status as a Registered Website User.

Article 5 (Changes in Reported Items)

  1. In the event of a change in any of the items reported to Oriental Motor at the time of registration, the Registered Website User shall report the change without delay, doing so according to the procedures specified by Oriental Motor from time to time.
  2. Oriental Motor shall bear no responsibility for the non-delivery or delay in the delivery of a notice, requested catalogues, any other products or service to a Registered Website User who has failed to report the changes under the preceding paragraph.

Article 6 (Customer ID and Password Control)

  1. The Registered Website User shall control the use of the customer ID issued by Oriental Motor and the password that has been set by the Registered Website User. Oriental Motor shall bear no responsibility for any damage arising from negligence on the part of the Registered Website User regarding the control of the user's customer ID or password.
  2. The Registered Website User shall neither transfer to a third party nor allow a third party to use his or her customer ID and password. The Registered Website User shall be held responsible for the outcome of any transaction with Oriental Motor that is made by a third party with the Registered Website User 's customer ID or password.

Article 7 (Handling of Registered Information)

The Registered Website User shall be deemed to have given consent to Oriental Motor to store in its database all information provided by the Registered Website User to Oriental Motor at the time of registration and/or a subsequent change of registered information, as well as other information relating to the use of the Service.
Oriental Motor shall use this information in accordance with the "Privacy Policy."

Article 8 (Method of Notification to Registered Website Users)

Notices from Oriental Motor to Registered Website Users shall be sent via an e-mail to the e-mail address reported to Oriental Motor by each Registered Website User, or sent by other means deemed appropriate by Oriental Motor. Oriental Motor shall bear no responsibility for the non-delivery or delay in the deliver of such notices.

Article 9 (Suspension and Revocation of Registered Website User Status)

Should the Registered Website User satisfy any of the conditions specified in this Article or in Article 3, Oriental Motor may suspend or revoke the status of such Registered Website User without prior notice. Even after the revocation of the Registered Website User status, the individual shall not be released from his or her duty to fulfill the obligations that have already been created through the use of the Service. The said conditions are:

  1. Obtained or used a customer ID or password in a dishonest manner;
  2. Registered using false personal information and failed to make a prompt correction;
  3. Oriental Motor, at its sole discretion, deems the Registered Website User unsuitable for the status of a Registered Website User.

Article 10 (Handling of Links)

The Website User who wants to link to any of Oriental Motor's websites should contact any of our sales offices or write to the e-mail contact address specified on our website. Please note that Oriental Motor reserves the right to change the URL and contents of its website without prior notice.

Article 11 (Copyrights)

  1. The copyrights and all other rights to the content on any of Oriental Motor’s websites, including the programs and data available on any of Oriental Motor’s websites shall belong to Oriental Motor.
  2. The Website User is permitted to use the programs and data available on any of Oriental Motor’s websites for non-profit purposes within the organization to which the Website User belongs; however, any reproduction, alteration, sale, distribution, transfer or loan of programs and data beyond the aforementioned scope is strictly prohibited.

Article 12 (Indemnity)

  1. Oriental Motor shall bear no responsibility for the receipt by Oriental Motor's computer system of the application, notice, or any other information sent by the Registered Website User, nor for the consistency of the information received by Oriental Motor's computer system, including the information sent by the Registered Website User.
  2. Oriental Motor shall bear no responsibility for any damage suffered by the Website User or a third party as a result of provision, delay, change, interruption, stoppage, suspension or termination of the Service, nor for any other event relating to the Service. Oriental Motor reserves the right to interrupt, stop or change the provision of the Service without notice to the Website Users.
  3. Oriental Motor shall make no warranty regarding the content on any of Oriental Motor’s websites, including the programs and/or data available on any of Oriental Motor’s websites. Oriental Motor shall bear no responsibility for any damage suffered by the Website User, whether directly or indirectly, as a result of the use of said content, programs or data on any of Oriental Motor’s websites.
  4. The specifications of Oriental Motor products are subject to change without notice to Website Users; therefore, the data available on the website may not match the actual products.
  5. Oriental Motor shall bear no responsibility for any site that is linked to any of its websites.

Article 13 (Compensation for Damages)

  1. If the Website User incurs damage to a third party as a result of use of the Service, the Website User must resolve the damage at its own responsibility and expense and shall hold harmless and indemnify Oriental Motor.
  2. If as a result of the violation of the Terms of Use or due to any dishonest or illegal act on the part of the Website User, Oriental Motor incurs loss, Oriental Motor may demand compensation from the Website User for all direct and indirect loss incurred by Oriental Motor.

Article 14 (Dispute Resolution)

  1. All disputes, controversies or differences which may arise between the Website User and Oriental Motor shall as far as practicable be settled amicably through mutual discussion.
  2. If at any time a dispute arises, which is not settled within thirty (30) days through mutual discussions, either the Website User or Oriental Motor may submit the dispute for arbitration in Singapore in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre before a single arbitrator appointed by the Chairman of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding.
  3. The language of arbitration shall be English.
  4. The arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party or in accordance with the decision of the arbitration. Where the arbitration award is to be implemented by way of legal proceedings, all costs, expenses and legal fees shall be borne by the party against whom legal proceedings are filed.
  5. Any order or judgment made pursuant to this dispute resolution process may be executed by any relevant Court of law.

Article 15 (Governing Law)

The use of any of Oriental Motor’s websites and questions or disputes arising from the use of any of Oriental Motor’s website shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Singapore.

Supplementary Provisions

The Terms of Use shall take effect on 25 June 2024